Touch and step potential — Engineering Notes Online

3 min readJun 30, 2020


Touch and step potential

when a fault occurs, the flow of current to ground results in voltage gradient on the ground surface in the vicinity of grounding system. This voltage gradient may affect a person in two ways through step or foot-to-foot contact and hand to both feet or touch contact.

Resistance of the human body is highly variable and the current that may pass through the body depends upon the resistance of the body and the position in which he is bridging the ground and the grounded structure. For calculation purposes, the resistance of the body may be is taken as 1000Ω.The resistance of footwear which is highly variable is negligible. It will be observed that the resistance of the ground under the foot affects the magnitude of the current which may flow through the body. Assuming the ground under one foot as a circular plate electrode with a diameter of 8 cm and the resistance of such an electrode can be determined by:

while calculating the length of the conductor, touch potential from a grounded structure to the center of a rectangle of the grid mesh is used. This method is also known as mesh potential and is given by:

Touch potential: Touch potential is a potential difference between the fingers of raised hand touching the faulted structure and the feet of the person standing on Substations floor. The person should not get a shock even if the grounded structure is carrying fault current i.e the touch potential should be very small.

Step potential: Step potential is the potential difference between the feet of a person standing on the floor of the substation with 0.5 m spacing between two feet(one step) during the flow of earth fault current through the grounding system.

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Originally published at on June 30, 2020.




Written by Er.Sushilneupane

I am sushil neupane.I have completed by bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from khwopa college of engineering TU.

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