RC Series Circuit — Engineering Notes Online
A circuit that contains pure resistance R ohms connected in series with a pure capacitor of capacitance C farads is known as RC Series Circuit.
Let ,
V=rms value of applied voltage
I=rms value of the circuit current
Voltage across R ,VR=IR where VR is in phase with I.
voltage across C,Vc=IXc where Vc lags I by 90°.
Taking current as references phasor .
The voltage drop VR=IR is in phase with current and is represented in magnitude and direction by the phasor OA.The voltage drop Vc=IXc lags behind the current by 90° and is represented in magnitude and direction by the phasor AB.
The applied voltage V is the phasor sum of these two drops
Current I leads the applied voltage V by Φ°.
since current is taken as reference phasor, negative phase angle implies that voltage lags behind the current. This is the same thing as current leads the voltage.
Related terms:
Inductors in series and parallel
For more notes on Electrical Engineering:
http://www.notesforengineering.com/ http://abhinavbhattarai.com.np/2020/09/20/from-maxwells-equations-to-electrical-engineering/
Originally published at https://engineeringnotesonline.com on September 25, 2020.